Successful 2023 GEOTRACES Scientific Steering Committee held in California

The 2023 GEOTRACES Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) meeting was held from 27th to 29th September at the Stanford University in California, hosted by Karen Casciotti.

GEOTRACES SSC members reviewed the activities completed during the past year including the status of the field programme, and planned the necessary activities to ensure a successful release of next Intermediate Data Product in November 2025. Another important discussion point was the strategy to complete the GEOTRACES mission.

In addition, the Data Management Committee and the Standards and Intercalibration Committees held also their annual in-person meetings in California prior to the SSC meeting.

Thank you very much to Karen Casciotti for hosting the meeting and to Tiana Palomo for all her assistance during the meeting!

2023 GEOTRACES Scientific Steering Committee members. Click here to download the picture in high-resolution.
