Session at AAAS 2012 Annual Meeting
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 2012 Annual Meeting
16-20 February 2012
Vancouver, Canada
Relevant session:
*Documenting a Changing Ocean Through International Multidisciplinary Collaborations
Organizer: Roger Francois, University of British Columbia
Co-organizers: Roberta Hamme, University of Victoria and Andrey Proshutinsky, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
*Documenting a Changing Ocean Through International Multidisciplinary Collaborations
Friday, February 17, 2012: 1:30 PM-4:30 PM
Room 212 (VCC West Building)
For more information:
Resource exploitation, pollution, acidification, temperature, and salinity changes are altering marine ecosystems, seawater chemistry, and ocean circulation in complex ways that are interconnected and feedback on the causes that initiated them. Understanding these changes is essential to providing food sources, to sustaining economic development, and to predicting future atmospheric greenhouse gas levels and global warming. The complexities and interrelatedness of these questions demand that oceanographic research be multidisciplinary, integrative, and based on global-scale observations conducted through large, frequently multinational, programs. The speakers will present major achievements from large-scale oceanographic programs addressing interrelated physical, chemical, and biological changes in the ocean. They will particularly focus on lessons learned and future challenges in crafting cross-cutting, collaborative, and global ocean observational programs.
Eddy Carmack, Fisheries and Ocean Canada
Rapidly Changing Arctic Ocean: Observations from the International Polar Year
Hein de Baar, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
Highlights of Recent GEOTRACES Field Programs
Ian Perry, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Shifting Paradigms and Improving Decision-Making for Marine Systems Under Change
W. Brechner Owens, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
The International Argo Program: Providing Global Ocean Observations for Climate
Kendra Daly, University of South Florida
Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry: Building a Community from the Bottom Up
J. Anthony Koslow, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Perspectives on Ocean Climate from a 60+ Year Ocean Observation Program