Results from KEOPS 2 cruise (GEOTRACES Process Study) examined
Seventeen scientists met 23-24 May at LEMAR-IUEM in Brest and by video conference to examine the results of the KEOPS 2 cruise concerning the Fe budget at the vicinity of the Kerguelen Island. The first day of the meeting was devoted to presentation of results concerning dissolved and particulate trace metals in seawater and sediments, TEI concentrations in seawater (radium isotopes and 234Th), as well as the physics of the area. A multi-proxy modeling approach and results from on-board incubation were also presented. The 2nd day of the meeting was focused on discussion about the various Fe budgets that can be established in this area (seasonal vs. short term, at specific stations vs. within the plume, etc…). A calendar of planned publications for the Biogeosciences special issue was also defined.
Submitted by Géraldine Sarthou (LEMAR-IUEM, Brest, France).