Ken Bruland honoured with the 2023 ASLO John H. Martin Award
Congratulations to Ken Bruland, past member of the GEOTRACES Scientific Steering Committee, who will receive the 2023 John H. Martin Award of the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) together with Dr. David A. Hutchins.
ASLO confers the John H. Martin Award to one paper each year that has led to fundamental shifts in research focus and interpretation of a large body of previous observations. This year the award will be presented to the paper “Iron-limited diatom growth and Si:N uptake ratios in a coastal upwelling regime” written by Dr. Bruland and Dr. Hutchins “for resolving how iron availability can shape primary productivity, elemental composition, and carbon export in marine coastal plankton communities”.
The Martin Award will be presented during the 2023 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, in June 2023.
For further information:

Full Citation of the paper: Hutchins, D. A. and K. W. Bruland. 1998. Iron-limited diatom growth and Si:N uptake ratios in a coastal upwelling regime. Nature 393, 561-564 (1998)