Goldschmidt 2021 – Call for session proposals – Please contact the IPO in advance
Dear colleagues,
The deadline to propose sessions and workshops for the Goldschmidt 2021 (4-9 July 2021 in Lyon, France, is October 15th, 2020 (please find more information below).
We kindly remind to those planning a GEOTRACES Session or Workshop for this conference to inform the International Project Office (IPO, before October 1st, 2020.
We will share information about potential sessions or workshops on similar topics among the proponents so that they can coordinate their sessions before submitting their proposals rather than being required to merge sessions after the program committee has reviewed the session proposals. At the same time this will ensure that your session is publicised to the GEOTRACES community.
The calls for session and workshop proposals are available here:
Thank you very much,
GEOTRACES International Project Office
Dear Goldschmidt Delegate,
The call for session proposals for Goldschmidt2021 is now open and we invite the entire geochemical community to submit suggestions for sessions to contribute to another high-quality science program that will advance geochemistry and related fields.
We certainly hope to be able to meet in person on 4-9 July 2021 in Lyon (France), a UNESCO World Heritage Site located at the heart of Europe. To enable a wide participation, however, in addition to presentations onsite we plan to include online components. Further details will be made available soon.
When proposing a session, please carefully read the descriptions of the 14 identified themes as they have been prepared with the goal of minimizing inter-theme redundancy. Your sessions should have a broad reach and aim to attract at least 25-30 abstract submissions. For any questions regarding the suitability of your proposed session, please contact the appropriate theme chairs.
EAG and GS are well aware of the need to increase diversity at the Goldschmidt Conference and are taking action to address this issue. Everyone in the community also has a role to play so we particularly invite you to form diverse and inclusive teams of conveners.
Pre-conference workshops will take place on 3-4 July 2021 and provide the perfect chance to teach skills and discuss topics with an engaged audience. The conference office can assist with collecting bookings and payments, advertising your workshop and making all the logistical arrangements.
Further details about the different options and timeline can be found in the Workshop Manual.
Deadline for Submission: 15 October 2020
Submit your Session Proposal / Submit your Workshop Proposal
Thank you for your participation in building another outstanding Goldschmidt Conference for our community.
Dan Frost and Maud Boyet
Co-chairs of the Science Committee for Goldschmidt2021
Dates & Deadlines
15 October 2020 Call for sessions and workshops closes
15 December 2020 Abstract submission and registration open
1 February 2021 Grant application deadline
12 February 2021 Abstract submission deadline
4 May 2021 Early registration & Mentor Program sign up deadline
4 June 2021 Standard registration deadline
4 June 2021 Workshop booking & Social events ticket sales deadline
4-9 July 2021 Goldschmidt2021