Sharing oceanography with prisoners

Catherine Jeandel (GEOTRACES IPO senior scientist) and Virginie Sanial (PhD student at LEGOS, France) scientists participants at the French GEOVIDE cruise (GA01) are members of the NGO “Les étoiles brillent pour tous (The Stars Shine for Everybody)” in Toulouse, France. The objective of this NGO is disseminating research in confined environments such as prisons or hospitals but also in rural or inland areas.

In this context, Catherine and Virginie set up a project with the Seysses Prison (Toulouse, France). During 6 months (April-October 2014), they exchanged with prisoners (via their teachers). They did this before the cruise, during the cruise (thanks to a cruise blog accessible here, in French only) and after the cruise.  The project ended with a session at the Toulouse Knowledge Festival called, La Novela, in October 2014.

We invite you to view the video below about this project shown during the festival “La Novela” (in French, subtitled in English).

NOTE: If subtitles do not display automatically, please place your mouse over the video and click on the “cc” button available on the right-hand of the bottom tools bar.

Film maker: Fabien Perault – DT INSU – CNRS.

You can use the following URL to display the video in your presentations:
