GEOTRACES sessions at Ocean Sciences 2022

Dear colleagues,

Please find below an updated list of GEOTRACES and GEOTRACES-related sessions at Ocean Sciences 2022 (February 27 to March 4, Honolulu, HI, USA and on-line,

Deadline for abstract submission is 29 September 2021, 11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time.

List of sessions:

CT01 Temporal Variability of Bioactive Trace Elements in the Ocean: Towards Constraining Drivers, Mechanisms and Timescales

Session Format: Hybrid

Peter Sedwick,
Erin Black,
Alessandro Tagliabue,
Simon Ussher,

In the past decade, our understanding of the distribution of bioactive trace elements has improved greatly, advancing the development of numerical models that provide mechanistic insight and predictive capability. However, in addition to establishing the spatial distribution of biologically active trace elements, it is equally important to understand their temporal variability. Such information provides critical constraints on the mechanisms that control the biogeochemical cycling of these elements, and allows the assessment and expansion of numerical modeling efforts. In this session, we invite interdisciplinary contributions from both observationalists and modelers that examine the time variation of bioactive trace elements in the ocean, from both chemical and biological perspectives, over timescales ranging from daily to millennial.

CT03 Advances in understanding of the biogeochemical processes shaping the basin-scale distributions of trace elements and their isotopes

Session Format: Hybrid

Tim Conway,
Lauren Kipp,
Jessica Fitzsimmons,
Greg Cutter,

A range of important trace elements act as micronutrients, toxins, or tracers throughout the global oceans. The distributions of these trace elements are shaped by a range of biotic and abiotic processes including external sources and sinks, microbial uptake and regeneration, exchange with particles, and physical circulation of the oceans. In recent years, field programs such as GEOTRACES, CLIVAR, and SOLAS have hugely expanded the available datasets of trace elements and their isotopes (TEIs) throughout the oceans. These and other datasets are being used to determine the processes, sources, and sinks that control observed TEI distributions, and the transformations and rates of input, removal, and exchange associated with each process. Here, we invite submissions of abstracts using ocean transect, field, laboratory, or modelling datasets that focus on the distribution, isotopic composition, speciation, and cycling of TEIs at the basin-scale, as well as abstracts which use geochemical tracers to interrogate the internal cycling and source/sink processes which shape these basin-scale distributions or transform TEIs within the ocean. In addition to studies that yield insights into the current distributions and cycling of TEIs, we also invite submissions that investigate how the oceanic cycling of TEIs may change in response to the changing oceans and warming climate.

CT10 Sources, sinks, and cycling of trace elements in coastal and near-shore systems

Session Format: In-person

David Janssen,
Veronique Oldham,
Emily Estes,

The terrestrial-ocean continuum regulates the delivery of trace elements to the global ocean; however, important gaps remain in understanding the complex cycling of trace elements in coastal systems. Further, coastal systems face significant pressure from anthropogenic climate change, nutrient loading, and inputs of environmental toxins. This session aims to connect GEOTRACES-style studies on distributions of trace elements with studies examining processes and cycling of trace elements in nearshore environments to better bridge the terrestrial-ocean continuum. We invite contributions examining the cycling of trace elements and their isotopes in rivers, wetlands and estuaries; inlets, marginal seas and inland seas; and the near-shore coastal ocean. Field, laboratory, and modelling studies of trace element distributions, speciation, biological transformations, sources and sinks, and pollution & remediation are welcome. We particularly encourage studies (1) on the transport of terrestrially-sourced metals and dissolved organic matter to near-shore environments; (2) on metal fluxes to and from shelf sediments; (3) linking processes regulating near-shore trace element availability and their impact on the biosphere; and (4) investigating natural and anthropogenic perturbations on trace element cycling in these systems.

CT11 Mercury transformations in marine ecosystems

Session Format: Hybrid

Eric Capo,
Amina Schartup,
Heyu Lin,
Lars-Eric Heimbürger,

Mercury (Hg) is a naturally occurring element that has been mined and released by humans for millennia. Inorganic Hg is released by natural processes such as volcanic activity, and also by human activities which have largely outweighed natural ones. We have known for half a century that methylmercury is naturally formed in marine sediment and water column from inorganic Hg and is a potent neurotoxicant. The majority of global methylmercury exposure for human populations is from marine ecosystems due to its bioaccumulation in predatory fish at levels that are a million times, or more, higher than seawater. Yet our understanding of abiotic and biotic Hg transformations in marine systems is still limited. A greater understanding of the microbial reactions and geochemical conditions conducive to the formation and degradation of methylmercury is needed to mitigate its impacts on the health of fish-consuming wildlife and human populations. This session invites presentations on Hg transformations in marine ecosystems.

OB20 Towards BioGeoSCAPES: Linking cellular metabolism with ocean biogeochemistry

Session Format: Hybrid

Adrian Marchetti,
Yoshiko Kondo,
Naomi Levine,
Dalin Shi,

BioGeoSCAPES is an international program initiative aimed at integrating knowledge on organism identity and physiology within frameworks of community ecology and global ocean biogeochemistry. It is envisioned that an improved, predictive, and quantitative understanding of ocean metabolism on a changing planet can be achieved by combining detailed information on plankton (i.e., virio-, bacterio-, phyto- and zoo-) cell status, biochemical processes, and species interactions with intercalibrated measurements of nutrient fluxes, concentrations, and speciation (e.g., macronutrients, including inorganic and organic carbon, micronutrients and vitamins). We invite contributions describing research that can serve as inspiration for this nascent program. Appropriate abstracts could include: studies that integrate cellular metabolism through physiological and ‘omics approaches (e.g., genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic, metallomic, lipidomic, etc.) with biogeochemical measurements, including fluxes; or studies that scale from the cellular to the ecosystem level through integrated field measurements or mechanistic models of interactions. With the COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacting field research opportunities, we are particularly interested in laboratory and modelling studies that provide new insights into BioGeoSCAPES-related topics across different scales of time and space.

HL11 Arctic Ocean processes, progress, and potential explored through synthesis supported research

Session Format: Hybrid

Laura Whitmore,
Laramie Jensen,
Ryan McCabe,

The Arctic Ocean is changing rapidly as a result of global climate change at rates disproportionate to other ocean basins. Changes in stratification, circulation, and ice cover are giving way to a cascade of biogeochemical and ecological changes that are altering the character of the Arctic Ocean. These changes influence the global ocean by modulating freshwater export from the Arctic Ocean to the North Atlantic Ocean, the transfer of chemical constituents, and the connectivity of organismal populations. Because of continued annual sea ice coverage and accessibility barriers; data collection across small (seasonal) and larger (annual to decadal) timescales has been historically difficult. In order to elucidate and ultimately predict the impacts of climate change on the Arctic Ocean system a synthetic and trans-disciplinary effort is valued. In this spirit, we encourage submissions across ecological, chemical, physical, and geological sub-disciplines with special consideration to interdisciplinary approaches and to studies investigating spatial and/or temporal scales.

To submit an abstract, please follow the guidelines available here.

An updated list of GEOTRACES relevant sessions at the Ocean Sciences 2022 will be available at:

If you wish your session to be included in this list, please send an email to

Best regards,
