GEOTRACES Session at IUPAC 2017
IUPAC 2017 – World Chemistry Congress
9-14 July 2017, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Abstracts are due on January 8, 2017
Session description:
Energy, Water and Environmental Sciences (EE)
Natural waters contain a large number of chemicals reflecting rapid global dissemination of novel substances, including a full range of technology-critical elements (e.g., platinum group and rare earth elements) and emerging contaminants (e.g., PFAAs, hormones and phthalates) employed to improve the production of energy and/or commodities, especially due to the ever-expanding list of new technologies. The settlement of smart grids for electricity distribution together with the development of electric vehicles and renewable energy sources has enlarged a rising demand for advanced energy conversion and storage systems. Rechargeable batteries will continue to rely on Li-ion chemistry; however, post Li-ion systems — such as Li-S, Li-air, Na-ion — are expected to reach the stage of devices. Also these developments are accompanied by the up growth of electrochemical capacitors, fuel cells, metal-air batteries. Solar cells, biofuels, water splitting, hydrogen production and CO2 reduction are also important topics playing a leading role in the relation between energy and friendly environmental ways to assure a high efficiency of conversion and storage systems. To go further with sustainable technology, the understanding of the fundamental concepts of materials properties and the interactions with their environment, will be the key to find solutions which would satisfy the new society´s energy demands with a deep ecological concern. Therefore, this symposium is devoted to recent progress in fundamental science related to rechargeable batteries and electrochemical capacitors, fuel Cells, metal-air batteries, solar cells, biofuels, water splitting, hydrogen production and CO2 reduction. Additionally, this symposium will also focus on processes controlling the distribution, fate, bioavailability and environmental risks of technology-critical elements and emerging contaminants associated with the development of new products and technologies.
Symposium Organizers: Roberto M. Torresi (IQ-University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil – and Daniel Belanger (Département de chimie, Faculté des Sciences, University of Quebec, Montreal, Canada –
Co-organizer: Vanessa Hatje (CIEnAm- Universidade Federal da Bahia, Bahia, Brazil –
5.7 Organic and inorganic contaminants in the environment: occurrence, sources, fate and impacts
5.8 Trace elements cycling, processes and fluxes across interfaces
5.10 Environmental impact of emerging technologies (E-waste- an emerging global challenge and Global Environmental Challenges of Nanomaterials)
Confirmed keynote speakers include: Antonio Cobelo, Peter Croot, Catherine Jeandel and Gideon Henderson