GEOTRACES session at EGU2016

European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016 (EGU2016)
17-22 April 2016, Vienna, Austria

Abstract submission deadline: 13 Jan 2016, 13:00 CET

GEOTRACES sessions:

OS3.2 Input, cycling and fate of trace metals in the Atlantic: A GEOTRACES synthesis
Convener: Torben Stichel
Co-Conveners: Maeve Lohan, Tina van de Flierdt, Jean-Claude Dutay

Trace metal and isotopes (TEI) distributions in the ocean are widely used to decipher rates of input and output and pathways through the ocean system on a range of time and spatial scales. Over the last eight years, 12 GEOTRACES and International Polar Year (IPY) expeditions have transformed the data coverage in the Atlantic which now includes a complete meridional transect and several zonal transects including both polar regions.This session invites abstracts covering the wide range of outputs from the GEOTRACES programme. The aim of the session is to showcase research from the entire GEOTRACES programme, primarily focused on the Atlantic Ocean, to emphasise the programme’s cross- and interdisciplinary research and to update the community on the latest datasets, results, syntheses and future plans. We welcome contributions on all aspects of TEI research including, but not limited to: (1) new findings on TEI particularly from the Atlantic; (2) Oceanlaboratory methodologies and sampling procedures; (3) new datasets, data access and visualisation; (4) research plan and cruises.

We particularly welcome contributions from early-career researchers and students to whom priority will be given in the selection of the presentations.
