GEOTRACES Session at the Challenger Society 2016 Conference

Challenger Society 2016 Conference – Oceans and Climate
5-8th September 2016, Liverpool, UK

The abstract deadline is 12 May 2016

GEOTRACES session:

Trace element and isotope exchange at ocean boundaries
Conveners: Will Homoky (Oxford), Torben Stichel (Southampton) & Susan Little (Imperial)

Trace elements and their isotopes (TEIs) play a key role in the ocean, as micronutrients and toxicants for primary production, as indicators of anthropogenic inputs, as tracers of modern and past ocean circulation, and as proxies of the paleooceanic environment. A variety of ocean boundaries mediate the exchange of TEIs between the Earth and ocean, including the atmosphere, rivers, groundwater, glaciers, sediments and sub-aqueous volcanism. However, for many TEIs we have very little knowledge about the rates and mechanisms controlling their exchange. We invite studies of observed and/or modelled exchange of TEIs at ocean boundaries that provide new insights into these processes.
