First GEOTRACES Summer School: Just Excellent!

The first GEOTRACES Summer School was held from 20th to 26th August 2017 in Brest, France. The summer school aimed at teaching the skills and knowledge necessary for a good understanding of the biogeochemical cycles of trace metals. It brought together 60 students and 26 world-leading international scientists.

Throughout the week, a combination of lectures, practical sessions in the laboratory, poster and drop-in sessions were held. The practical sessions included: mass spectrometry (MC-ICPMS, MC TI-MS and HR-ICP-MC), modeling, Ocean Data View, voltametry, flow injection analysis, and sampling and sample handling. The programme is available to download here

SS 021 logo  2017 SS 016 2017 SS 061 lab 

The summer school was an absolute success allowing PhD students and early career researchers to see how their work fits within the international community of GEOTRACES, as well as, permitting them to build a network of collaborations that will help them in their careers. 

THANKS to the organising committee, Hélène Planquette, Thomas Gorgues, Geraldine Sarthou, Aurélie Pinna and Nadine Reniers, the Scientific Committee, the sponsors (LabexMER and SCOR) and all the lecturers who made this summer school possible!

GEOTRACES plans to organise another summer school in 2019… More information will be available in due time.

 2017 SS 022

 2017 GEOTRACES Summer School Participants
