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ICBM Summer School on Coastal Systems 2015
4 July 2015 - 8 July 2015
ICBM Summer School on Coastal Systems 2015: Water Column Processes from Coast to Ocean
Dates: 4-18 July 2015
Location:ICBM facilities located in Wilhelmshaven and Oldenburg (northern Germany)
The Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM), University of Oldenburg, (Germany), is holding a summer school dealing with (micro)biology, chemistry, and physics of the southern North Sea coast and the Wadden Sea, one of the largest tidal systems world-wide and UNESCO World Heritage since 2009. The interdisciplinary scientific program has a focus on the water column and comprises excursions, sampling, lab work using up-to-date analytical instrumentation, and lectures concerning different topics of coastal research.
Main scientific topics include: introduction to the coastal area of the southern North Sea and Wadden Sea research; plankton ecology; microbiology and proteomics; nutrient, trace metal, and isotope geochemistry; sea surface microlayer; hydrodynamics and modelling; excursions by research boats, car, and on foot (tidal flats, ecology, landscape history and climate, and regional culture).
Fee: 120 Euro. The fee includes accommodation in the ICBM guesthouse, meals, local transport, and course materials. The summer school is sponsored by the German Academic Exchange service (DAAD). Travel grants are available to non-German participants according to DAAD regulations.
Who should apply? The summer school aims at young scientists with a background in marine or environmental natural sciences of all disciplines (mainly at PhD student level, but also advanced master students or young post-docs).
Deadline for application is March 22, 2015
Please visit our website for further information: http://icbm.de/summerschool/
ICBM Summer School
Dr. Jürgen Köster Phone +49-(0)441-798 3350
Dr. Birte Junge, Phone +49-(0)441-798 5344
Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM)
Carl-von-Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
D-26111 Oldenburg