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CBO 2016, Congresso Brasileiro de Oceanografia
5 November 2016 - 9 November 2016
VII Congresso Brasileiro de Oceanografia (CBO 2016)
Dates: 5 – 9 November 2016
Location: Salvador – Bahia, Brasil
For further information: http://www.cbo2016.org/
GEOTRACES Special Sessions:
*MS5 – GEOTRACES – Brasil
Coordination: Vanessa Hatje (UFBA)
The aim of this session is to discuss the effects of biology and climate in the biogeochemistry of the trace elements and their isotopes, in the interfaces between the continent, the oceans and the atmosphere.
Training Workshop:
*MC11 – Ocean Data View para iniciantes
Speaker: Leticia C. da Cunha (UERJ)
06/11/2016 Fee: R$100,00
This workshop is devoted to under-graduate, post-graduate and scientists with no experience in the open access software Ocean Data View (ODV) software, with a focus on the GEOTRACES data (trace elements) and SOCAT (Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas).