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2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting
23 February 2014 - 28 February 2014
2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting
Dates: 23-28 February 2014
Location: Honolulu, HI, USA.
For more information: http://www.sgmeet.com/osm2014/default.asp
GEOTRACES-Town Hall Meeting:
GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product
Date: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 Time: 12:45:00 PM
The GEOTRACES program will publicly release its first data product. The nature of the data to be made available, the data policy, and the procedure to access the data will be described. GEOTRACES (www.geotraces.org) is an international study of the marine biogeochemical cycles of trace elements and their isotopes. 618 stations (49 cruises) have been sampled resulting in 800 data sets. A question and answer session will follow a presentation of selected results and new data visualization tools
GEOTRACES-Relevant Sessions:
018 – Advancing the frontiers of the Si cycle in terrestrial, coastal, and open ocean ecosystems
Organizers: Paul Treguer, European Institute for Marine Studies; Joanna Carey, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Mark Brzezinski, Marine Science Institute, University of California; Christina De La Rocha, European Institute for Marine Studies; Robinson Fulweiler, Boston University; Manuel Maldonado, Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Blanes.
Recent work in a variety of systems and across a range of spatial scales has shown that the silicon (Si) cycle is unexpectedly dynamic and perhaps far from steady state. These new findings also highlight many unknowns. It is now recognized that terrestrial vegetation plays a critical role in the recycling of biogenic Si (BSi) and the ultimate flux of Si to the coastal ocean. However, these land-to-sea pathways are poorly constrained and we know little about how human activities directly alter the magnitude and timing of Si transport to the ocean. Additionally, atmospheric Si deposition remains largely un-quantified. Within marine systems, rates of BSi production, dissolution, and export by non-diatoms (e.g., sponges, radiolarians, and some cyanobacteria) are inadequately known, as are rates of Si effluxes from hydrothermal vents. Moreover, we lack data on rates of reverse weathering and low temperature basalt dissolution on continental margins and in the deep sea. This session will address key issues related to the biogeochemical cycling of Si, including magnitude and rates of Si cycling in previously understudied reservoirs of the biosphere. We welcome contributions from terrestrial and aquatic systems, including, but not limited to, rivers, wetlands, estuaries, continental margins, and the deep sea.
037 – Dynamics of Coupled Processes in the Ocean: A tribute to the career of Dr. James Murray
Organizers: Laurie Balistrieri, USGS/UW Oceanography; Kathryn Kuivila, USGS; Hans Jannasch, MBARI
Working on research issues that cross discipline boundaries and involve multidisciplinary teams is both challenging and rewarding. Many of the fundamental science issues of our day, such as climate change, ocean acidification, and human impacts on coastal oceans, require researchers to bridge traditional disciplines and collectively work to synthesize a broader understanding of complex earth system processes at diverse scales. This session intends to bring together scientists who work on understanding the dynamics of coupled processes in the oceans, provide opportunities for enhanced and new collaborations, and pay tribute to the career of Dr. James Murray upon his retirement. The focus of his career has been interdisciplinary research in chemical oceanography and aquatic chemistry, and we invite contributions from researchers involved in Dr. Murray’s main areas of research in coastal and open oceans: Particle reactive chemical tracers of biogeochemical processes; Role of iron and other metals in controlling food-web structure and new production; Carbon, nitrogen, and metal cycling across redox boundaries in sediments and water columns; Links among climate change, ocean acidification, and fossil fuel/energy supplies.
080 – Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements and their Isotopes
Organizers: Rob Middag, University of Otago; Alessandro Tagliabue, University of Liverpool; Peter Sedwick, Old Dominion University; Claudine Stirling, University of Otago; Andrew Bowie, University of Tasmania; Jingfeng Wu, University of Miami.
Trace elements and their isotopes (TEIs) are critically important in regulating ocean biology, as tracers of oceanic processes, and as paleoceanographic tools. The past decade has seen major advances in our understanding of the distribution, cycling, and biogeochemical function of TEIs in the ocean, afforded by the first basin-scale surveys completed as part of the CLIVAR and GEOTRACES programs, and by concurrent advances in chemical and isotopic analysis, numerical modeling and molecular biology. In this session, we invite contributions that address the biogeochemical cycling of TEIs in the ocean, with three main themes: (1) the distribution and physico- chemical speciation of TEIs in the ocean, including results from recent GEOTRACES field activities and intercalibration efforts; (2) the exchange of TEIs between the lower atmosphere and the upper ocean; and (3) parallel studies of TEIs that inform our understanding of key regulatory processes, including their input, speciation, biological cycling and removal.
092 – From VERTEX to GEOTRACES: honoring Ken Bruland’s contributions to marine biogeochemical cycles
Organizers: Gregory Cutter, Old Dominion University; Ana Aguilar-Islas, University of Alaska; Kristen Buck, Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences; William Landing, Florida State University; Maeve Lohan, Plymouth University.
Studying marine biogeochemistry requires highly interdisciplinary approaches that include multiple stable and radioactive elements, appropriate analytical methods to reveal concentrations and chemical speciation, collection methods to distinguish size fractionation, and of course tight coupling with biological investigations. One of the leaders in marine biogeochemistry is Ken Bruland who started developing his pioneering methods in the mid 1970s, refined them in the VERTEX cruises of the early 1980s, and has continued changing biogeochemical paradigms into the present day GEOTRACES program. In honor of his retirement, this session seeks presentations on, or approaches to, studying marine biogeochemical processes. These can range from bacteria to radionuclides, trace to major elements, atmosphere to sediments, estuaries to the open ocean, and present-day to paleoceanographic processes.
114 – Application of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides to the study of ocean processes
Organizers: Matt Charette, WHOI; Marcus Christl, ETH Zurich; Nuria Casacuberta, ETH Zurich; Ken Buesseler, WHOI.
The goal of GEOTRACES is to identify processes and quantify fluxes that control the distribution of trace elements and isotopes (TEIs) in the ocean, and to establish the sensitivity of these distributions to changing environmental conditions. Natural uranium/thorium series, anthropogenic and cosmogenic radionuclides, with their in-built clocks, their different input functions, and contrasting geochemical properties and biological affinities are essential tools for interpreting lateral and vertical TEI distributions in the ocean. This session will focus on international GEOTRACES and other marine studies that employ radionuclides to quantify TEI particle cycling rates and fluxes, land-derived inputs (e.g. groundwater, rivers), bottom boundary layer processes (e.g. sediment resuspension, hydrothermal vents) and atmospheric inputs. We further invite submissions on anthropogenic tracers from all compartments of the oceans (sea water, sediments, corals, biota, etc.), including studies that may help constrain or trace accidental (e.g. Chernobyl, Fukushima) or authorized (e.g. nuclear reprocessing plants) releases into the ocean. Contributions related to observational studies and modeling applications are welcome, as well as presentations on novel developments in radionuclide detection and sampling in the environment.
Organizers: Maeve Lohan, University of Plymouth; Kristen Buck, Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences; Sylvia Sander, University of Otago.
The bioactive trace metals iron (Fe), copper (Cu), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) are essential micronutrients for marine phytoplankton and exert a major influence on the global carbon and nitrogen cycles. Fully understanding the marine carbon and nitrogen cycles is, thus, intimately tied to our efforts to determine the distribution, chemical speciation and resulting bioavailability of trace metals to the marine biota. Complexation of these metals by organic ligands may enhance or reduce bioavailability depending upon the metal-ligand complex formed. Yet, we know little about the composition, source and provenance of metal-binding ligands, which is hindering further advances in the field of trace metal biogeochemistry. New and fruitful collaborations between trace metal biogeochemists, organic geochemists and biogeochemical modelers are being achieved through a SCOR working group (WG139) “Organic Ligands-A key control on trace metal cycling in the ocean”. We invite submissions to this session that highlight recent accomplishments in metal-binding ligand characterization and in approaches for assessing ligand distributions, composition, sources, cycling processes, and impacts on metal- biota interactions in the oceans.
146 – Marine micronutrient trace element cycling in oxygen minimum zones
Organizers: David Janssen, University of Victoria; Maija Heller, University of Southern California; Christina Schallenberg, University of Victoria.
This session aims to further the understanding of the chemical speciation and biogeochemical cycling of micronutrient trace elements and macronutrients and their isotopes in ocean oxygen minimum zones (OMZs). Redox cycling of trace metals (e.g. Fe, Cu, Mn, Co) and other aqueous species (e.g. SO42-/S2-) is known to significantly influence marine trace metal solubility and bioavailability. A growing body of data from OMZ waters, through efforts such as the international GEOTRACES program, illustrates the potential control of oxygen minima on regional and basin scale distributions of trace metals. Model projections predict that oxygen minima will intensify and will expand in spatial extent due to global climate change. Therefore, increasing our understanding of the influence that oxygen minima exert on trace metal and macronutrient cycling and bioavailability is essential for explaining current and future oceanic distributions of bioactive trace metals and isotopes. This session welcomes contributions discussing the redox cycling, sources, sinks and speciation of trace elements and macronutrients and their isotopes in OMZ waters.
Organizers: Steven Colbert, University of Hawaii Hilo; Henrieta Dulaiova, University of Hawaii; Craig R. Glenn, University of Hawaii; Jason Adolf, University of Hawaii
Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is now recognized as a significant source of biogeochemically important components to the coastal ocean. Groundwater discharge studies in diverse coastal systems are vitally important to establish baseline characteristics of current SGD behavior and its implications on coastal biogeochemistry before we can anticipate future effects of climate change, sea level rise, and population increase. This session invites presentations (both oral and poster) on 1) upstream processes that influence SGD from the land, such as rock-water interactions, watershed studies that examine natural and anthropogenic controls on groundwater recharge, transport and composition, including climate, hydrogeology and land use; 2) measurement and modeling of SGD that reveal its spatial and temporal variability, physicochemical properties, as well as biogeochemical processes within the subterranean estuary; and 3) downstream coastal effects of SGD, including biological response, biogeochemistry, chemical budgets of elements, contaminant fates, and coastal zone management. We seek to better understand the interplay between all of these factors, and all contributions related to submarine groundwater discharge origins, transformations, fates and impacts of are welcome.