Effort to develop a database of observational seawater d18O data

Dear collagues,

I wanted to bring your attention to an effort I have been leading as a part of the PAGES CoralHydro2k Project to develop an updated database of observational seawater d18O data. Over the last year we have been searching for and recovering ‘hidden’ surface seawater d18O data sets (i.e. data sets that haven’t been stored in a long term public data repository). We recognize that this data has tremendous value for many paleo and modern climate and oceanographic applications and our goal is to develop an updated seawater d18O database that meets FAIR data standards by merging these hidden seawater d18O data sets with publicly available data. We are now reaching out to the broader community to ask for help recovering as many observational seawater d18O data sets as possible.

We are looking for folks to help spread the word, submit their own data sets, or simply point us towards existing data sets.

We have set up a Qualtrics submission site here for you to submit data sets (published or unpublished) that you may have and would be willing to share: https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_094ofPIJKM5KNyC. You can find more information and links to the project below. 

If you don’t have data of your own to submit, but know of a dataset that should be included in the database, please feel free to submit the DOI via our Google Form: https://forms.gle/M263p7SM7mteQbrf9
Please feel free to forward this email to any colleagues who you think might have data to contribute or feel free to send me (aatwood@fsu.edu) their names and I can reach out directly.
More information about PAGES CoralHydro2k and the seawater d18O database project is available here: https://www.pastglobalchanges.org/science/wg/2k-network/projects/coral-hydro/intro.
Thank you for any contributions you can make!

Kind regards,
Alyssa on behalf of the PAGES CoralHydro2k Seawater δ18O Data Team:
Alyssa Atwood (FSU), Kristine DeLong (LSU), Andrea Moore (FSU), Erika Ornouski (LSU), Amy Wagner (CSUS)
