Departure of the German GEOTRACES GN06 cruise in the Arctic Ocean
The German ArcWatch-2 cruise in the Arctic Ocean will leave port on 9 August. On board of the RV Polarstern (cruise PS144) a team of 51 scientists led by Benjamin Rabe (chief scientist) and Walter Geibert (co-chief scientist) (AWI-Bremerhaven) will navigate in the Central Arctic Ocean (along GEOTRACES section cruise GN06) to collect data in view of capturing the change of the Arctic Ocean due to climate change and detect processes with potential far-reaching consequences for the Earth system. For this, scientists will revisit selected stations that have been observed in the past (e.g. from GEOTRACES section cruise GN04) and compare data to future expeditions. Data collected in this project will contribute to the GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product. The team will return port on 13 October after completing 65 days at sea.
GEOTRACES PI: Walter Geibert, AWI-Bremerhaven
Funding by research programme of the AWI Helmholtz-Centre for Polar and Marine Research and the German Ministery for Education and Research (BMBF).