Meet the scientists

21 questions and answers about GEOTRACES

We invite you to view this video introducing the International GEOTRACES Programme. Questions related to the GEOTRACES programme are asked to seven GEOTRACES researchers: how was the programme developed, why was […]


Radio Podcast: Skimming across the earth’s anaemic oceans, ABC News

Andrew Bowie (University of Tasmania, co-chair of the GEOTRACES Data Management Committee) is interviewed by Ann Jones, on “Off Track”, an Australian radio programme from ABC Radio National. *Read the […]


Radio Podcast: Paleoceanography proxies, Forecast

Tina van de Flierdt (Department of Earth Science and Engineering at Imperial College London, member of the GEOTRACES Standards and Intercalibration Committee) is interviewed by Michael White, Nature’s editor for […]


Radio podcast: Ice scientists, CBC Radio Canada

Learn about the Canadian Arctic GEOTRACES Expedition by listening an interview to Jay Cullen (University of Victoria, Canada) while he was on board CCGS Amundsen research vessel and they were […]


Radio Podcast: U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic expedition on the Living Lab on the Point

Listen to Phoebe Lam and Bill Schmoker on a phone interview on the Living Lab on the Point radio programme.


From Fishing on Foot to Ocean Currents – DVD

In one hour, Catherine Jeandel, GEOTRACES SSC member, tells us about her career and shares with a very varied theater audience some of her discoveries and current avenues of research. […]


GEOTRACES science on the radio, April 2012

Catherine Jeandel, GEOTRACES SSC member, is interviewed by Ari Daniel Shapiro on The World magazine (co-distributed by the Public Radio International and the BBC). Tracing the Ocean’s Ingredients There’s a […]

