2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting – Call for session proposals – Please inform the IPO in advance

Dear colleagues,

The deadline to propose sessions and tutorials for the 2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting (18-23 February 2024, New Orleands, LA, USA) is 24 May 2023 (please find more information below).

We would like to strongly encourage you to submit a GEOTRACES session and to kindly inform the International Project Office (IPO, ipo@geotraces.org) about it before 15 May 2023.

We will share information about potential sessions on similar topics among the proponents so that they can coordinate their sessions before submitting their proposals rather than being required to merge sessions after the program committee has reviewed the session proposals. At the same time this will ensure that your session is publicised to the GEOTRACES community.

The submit a session please follow the instructions available on the following web page: https://agu.confex.com/agu/OSM24/prelim.cgi/Home/0

Thank you very much,
GEOTRACES International Project Office

SM24 Session and Town Hall Proposals Now Open!

Now accepting session proposals for the Oceans Sciences Meeting 2024, the flagship conference for those in the ocean sciences and the larger oceans community. OSM24 will be held 18-23 February in New Orleans, LA and is an Endorsed Decade Action program with the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.

We invite proposals for sessions and town halls that span a broad array of aquatic science topics. We particularly encourage ideas with strong interdisciplinary themes that address new and emerging areas of research. Please note that workshops will be accepted during abstract submission.

The deadline for proposals and town halls is 24 May 2023.


This year’s theme is Inspire. Discover. Restore. OSM24 welcomes a diverse community of scientists, students, journalists, policymakers, educators and organizations who are working toward a world where our global collaborations and partnerships can carry us into a sustainable future.

An active membership in AGU, ASLO or TOS is not required to submit a proposal.

We look forward to submissions that will help shape the programming for OSM24 and that will inspire the next generation, discover new research and restore our planet.
