2022 GEOTRACES Scientific Steering Committee held in person!
The 2022 GEOTRACES Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) meeting was held in Southampton (UK) from 28th to 30th September 2022. This was the first in person meeting after the COVID-19 pandemic. All members were very pleased te be able to meet their peers and held face-to-face discussions again. Among the main topics of discussion were the timeline for the release of the next GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product and an exhaustive discussion on defining a strategy to complete the GEOTRACES mission.
In addition, the Data Management Committee and the Standards and Intercalibration Committees held also their first in person meetings in September in Southampton and Brest (France) respectively.
Thank you very much to Maeve Lohan for hosting the meeting and to Oliver Flanagan for all his efficient assistance during the meeting.