- Cruises:
17 July - 17 August 2021, MetalGate Process Study (GApr16), North Atlantic Ocean and seas around Iceland.
- Upcoming GEOTRACES or GEOTRACES-related events:
4 June to 24 August 2021, OCB Summer School, virtual meeting.
22-27 June 2021, ASLO 2021, virtual meeting. Check the list of GEOTRACES talks and sessions.
4-9 July 2021, Goldschmidt 2021, virtual meeting. Check the list of GEOTRACES sessions.
26-30 July 2021, Iron at the Air-Sea Interface Workshop, Asheville, NC, USA. Register before 25 June! Workshop co-sponsored by GEOTRACES and SOLAS!
18-22 November 2021, IMBIZO - Buoyant Solutions for Ocean Sustainability, virtual meeting. Register before 30 June!
29 September - 1 October 2021, GEOTRACES Scientific Steering Committee, virtual meeting.
13-17 December 2021, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans, LA and on-line. Check the GEOTRACES session. Submit an abstract before 4 August!
Access the GEOTRACES Calendar
Job Opportunities
Check the GEOTRACES website to view the latest job opportunities posted:
PhD position in Mediterranean Mercury Modeling, LSCE and MIO, France
Assistant Professor of Oceanography, Texas A&M University, USA
Postdoctoral position (m/f/d) in Biogeochemistry of Major Elements in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
Postdoctoral Research Associate – Marine Chemistry at The University of Southern Mississippi, USA
Latest Publications
- Buck, N. J., Barrett, P. M., Morton, P. L., Landing, W. M., & Resing, J. A. (2021). Energy dispersive X‐ray fluorescence methodology and analysis of suspended particulate matter in seawater for trace element compositions and an intercomparison with high‐resolution inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, lom3.10433.
- Close, H. G., Lam, P. J., & Popp, B. N. (2021). Marine Particle Chemistry: Influence on Biogeochemical Cycles and Particle Export. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 5(5).
- Conway, T. M., Horner, T. J., Plancherel, Y., & González, A. G. (2021). A decade of progress in understanding cycles of trace elements and their isotopes in the oceans. Chemical Geology, 580, 120381.
- Deman, F., Fonseca‐Batista, D., Roukaerts, A., García‐Ibáñez, M. I., Le Roy, E., Thilakarathne, E. P. D. N., Elskens, M., Dehairs, F., Fripiat, F. (2021). Nitrate Supply Routes and Impact of Internal Cycling in the North Atlantic Ocean Inferred From Nitrate Isotopic Composition. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 35(4), e2020GB006887.
- Latour, P., Wuttig, K., Merwe, P., Strzepek, R. F., Gault‐Ringold, M., Townsend, A. T., Holmes, T. M., Corkill, M., Bowie, A. R. (2021). Manganese biogeochemistry in the Southern Ocean, from Tasmania to Antarctica. Limnology and Oceanography, lno.11772.
- Levier, M., Roy-Barman, M., Colin, C., & Dapoigny, A. (2021). Determination of low level of actinium 227 in seawater and freshwater by isotope dilution and mass spectrometry. Marine Chemistry, 233, 103986.
- Roshan, S., & DeVries, T. (2021). Global Contrasts Between Oceanic Cycling of Cadmium and Phosphate. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 35(6), e2021GB006952.
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