
Do not miss this video about the GEOTRACES Summer School!

It took place from the 10th to 15th July 2022 at the AWI in Bremerhaven.

GEOTRACES: Understanding the Oceans

Let’s imagine that we are able to see our future in the Oceans… Does this idea seem surprising to you? And yet, marine environment shelters a large amount of information…

GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2021 launch webinar event videos!

View the videos from the IDP2021 webinar launch and use IDP2021 extensively! 😉

New GEOTRACES video: Examining our Oceans!

View the video and share it broadly!

21 questions and answers about GEOTRACES

We invite you to view this video introducing the International GEOTRACES Programme. Questions related to the GEOTRACES programme are asked to seven GEOTRACES researchers: how was the programme developed, why was […]

Trace metal chemistry: less is more by Tim Conway

Dr. Tim Conway from University of South Florida brings a wealth of understanding of trace metals… One billion liters of seawater would be required to gather just 25 grams of iron, […]

2016 Investigator voyage to the Kerguelen Plateau

View a compilation of highlights from the IMAS-led HEOBI 2016 cruise to the Southern Ocean and Kerguelen Plateau.

Private: Float Your Boat outreach project

US GEOTRACES participated in the “Float Your Boat” an educational outreach program that provides young people an opportunity to learn about the changing Arctic, marine debris, and maritime careers through participation […]
