June 2024 - Issue #64
GEOTRACES Science Highlights
A thorough estimate of the hydrothermal plumes on neodymium concentration and isotope oceanic cycles
Basak and co-workers investigated the influence of particulate matter on neodymium distributions in the Southern East Pacific Rise Hydrothermal Plume.
What are the drivers of the distributions of cadmium, nickel, zinc, copper and cobalt, manganese and aluminium in the Atlantic Ocean? Two papers are tackling this issue
Chen and co-authors reveal that the distributions of dissolved tracers at depth in the South Atlantic are predominantly controlled by the mixing of North Atlantic Deep Water and waters of Antarctic origin...
Disentangling the sources and transport of iron in the Southern Ocean using a water mass mixing model analysis
Traill and co-workers used an extended optimum multiparameter analysis water‐mass mixing model to determine the interplay between physical and biological processes, and sources/sinks driving dissolved iron distributions...
A detailed investigation of iron complexation by organic ligands in the Western Tropical South Pacific Ocean
Mahieu and his co-workers present the conditional concentration and binding-strength of iron-binding ligands during the GEOTRACES TONGA cruise.
New algorithm unclogs major bottleneck in ocean geochemical and biogeochemical modelling
Numerical models are some of the principal tools for understanding the cycling of geochemical and biogeochemical tracers in the ocean...
The tumultuous life of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current over 5,3 million years, including focus on the glacial-interglacial forcing!
Lamy and co-authors used sediment records from the pelagic central and remote South Pacific Ocean, to reconstruct the strength of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and shifts of the Southern Ocean frontal system over the past roughly 5.3 Myr...
Make sure your data is included in next IDP!

FINAL deadline is 15 December 2024!

Do not wait until the last moment!

Next meeting of the Standards and Intercalibration (S&I) Committee will be held on 2nd of July 2024.

Register your data and submit your S&I reports through DOoR as soon as possible so that they can be reviewed in time by the S&I!

Be ready for IDP2025!

Special Focus

Discover the members of the inaugural GEOTRACES Early Career Scientist Committee!


The GEOTRACES Early Career Scientist committee will act as a strategic and operational body to promote and coordinate early career activities within the framework of GEOTRACES science...

GEOTRACES Informations



9 August - 13 October 2024, Arcwatch-2 (PS144) Section Cruise (GN06), Arctic Ocean. 

31 October – 22 December 2024, Cruise SO308, Section Cruise (GI07), Indian Ocean.


Upcoming GEOTRACES or GEOTRACES-related events:

17 - 21 June 2024, 9th International Symposium on Metallomics, London, UK.

18 - 23 August 2024, Goldschmidt 2024, Chicago, USA. 

2 July 2024, GEOTRACES Standards and Intercalibration Committee (S&I) meeting, virtual.

16 - 17 September 2024, GEOTRACES Data Management Committee (DMC) meeting, Texel, The Netherlands.

18 - 20 August 2024, GEOTRACES Scientific Steering Commitee (SSC) meeting, Texel, The Netherlands.


Access the GEOTRACES Calendar

Job Opportunities

Check the GEOTRACES website to view the latest job opportunities posted, including:

Funding Opportunities

Check the GEOTRACES website to view the latest funding opportunities posted, including:

Latest Publications

-       Baudet, C., Bucciarelli, E., Sarthou, G., Boulart, C., Pelleter, E., Goddard-Dwyer, M., Whitby, H., Zhang, R., Obernosterer, I., Gonzalez-Santana, D., Léon, M., van Beek, P., Sanial, V., Jeandel, C., Vivier, F., Vorrath, M.-E., Liao, W.-H., Germain, Y., & Planquette, H. (2024). A hydrothermal plume on the Southwest Indian Ridge revealed by a multi-proxy approach: Impact on iron and manganese distributions (GEOTRACES GS02). Marine Chemistry, 104401. doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2024.104401

-       Buckley, N. R., Black, E. E., Kenyon, J. A., Lanning, N. T., Sieber, M., Conway, T. M., Fitzsimmons, J. N., & Cutter, G. A. (2024). Re‐Evaluating Hydrogen Sulfide as a Sink for Cadmium and Zinc in the Oxic to Suboxic Upper Water Column of the Pacific Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 38. doi: 10.1029/2023gb007881

-       Deteix, V., Cotard, E., Caquineau, S., Landing, W. M., Planchon, F., Ryan-Keogh, T., & Cardinal, D. (2024). Biogenic and lithogenic silicon along the GEOTRACES south West Indian Ocean section (SWINGS-GS02) and the islands mass effect on regional Si biogeochemical cycle. Marine Chemistry, 263–264, 104412. doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2024.104412

-      Jiang, S., Zhang, J., Liu, Z. B., & Su, H. (2024). Low-blank method for the offline batch analysis of the low concentration of dissolved lead in natural waters and its application to natural waters, including the tropical Northwest Pacific Ocean. Marine Chemistry, 260, 104374. doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2024.104374

-       John, S. G., Liang, H., Pasquier, B., Holzer, M., & Silva, S. (2024). Biogeochemical Fluxes of Nickel in the Global Oceans Inferred From a Diagnostic Model. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 38. doi:10.1029/2023gb008018

-       Zheng, L., Minami, T., Takano, S., & Sohrin, Y. (2024). Distributions of cadmium, nickel, zinc, copper, and iron in the western South Pacific Ocean: Local sources of the nutrient-type trace metals. Marine Chemistry, 263–264, 104411. doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2024.104411

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GEOTRACES Publication Best Practices

 ✓ Please include “GEOTRACES” in either the title, abstract or keywords of your GEOTRACES publications. 
 Intermediate Data Product (IDP) data contributors: Please use the DOoR portal to add any new publication of your data included in the IDP. 
 ✓ Plea
se help us to acknowledge support from SCOR in your publications as follows
“The International GEOTRACES Programme is possible in part thanks to the support from the U.S. National Science Foundation (Grant OCE-2140395) to the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR).”

GEOTRACES in Numbers

Cruises completed: 153
Section cruises completed: 52
Publications: 2283

Send Your Announcements to the GEOTRACES International Project Office
Do you have an announcement (job or student opportunity, event) that you would like to see published on the GEOTRACES eNEwsletter?  Contact us at ipo@geotraces.org

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